English translation of Sol Naciente's homepage

Logo Sol Naciente
Who are we?
We are a group of people who, with our founder Lidia Hernández, try to help those who are even worse off than ourselves. Currently, 400 people (among them children, mothers and elderly) are fed daily lunches and dinners in our soup kitchen.
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Since we know that it is not enough to simply hand out food to the children, especially in times of crises, we organise various activities (listed in the Activities section) that are not only to keep the people "off the street" and its dangers, but also to help them to think so that they will have better chances in the future.
In April 2001, under great efforts from both our and our colleagues' side, we opened a bakery that will give work to as many people as possible, will contribute to the district's children's and elderlies' nourishment, and will help to sustain us with the sale of our products.
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Our aims
to feed all people of our surroundings that can't afford their minimal food requirements, and integrate them into the community,
to offer work and real help to people from fringe groups,
to produce bread and pastries for elderly and children free of charge,
self-financing our organisation by the sale of our products,
integrating the children in community work like hospital visits to distribute toys, and the improvement of our district, painting houses, pavements and public walls.
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Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. the workshops or social workers' groups meet. These workshops are held by volunteers, students from grammar schools and colleges, and comprise among their activities:
homework support for approx. 50 children in two groups of 25 children each,
introduction to the English language,
handicraft courses and creative activities (plastic works, sports),
introductory courses to computer and internet (there is a room with free-of-charge internet access with four terminals),
periodic walks and public spectacles,
soccer practice and a carnival's procession (in which only those could participate who took part in one of the activity groups).
These activities not only keep them "off the street", but also help them to learn and to think, so as to have a better future.
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How you can help
To help our organisation, you can choose between different ways, according to the means of the individual person:
You can let us have donations in the form of food, money, clothing, school materials, disposable plates and cutlery, disposable seasonings (the typical mayonnaise and mustard packs you get in restaurants) and anything you might deem valuable.
You can give us a little time, to help us.
Please talk about our work among your friends, so that others can help us, too.
For financial donations there is an account with Banco Galicia, Sucursal Chiclana, in the name of Asociación Civil Sol Naciente (a special account is being opened for donors in Germany - translator's annotation).
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