"Un baile benéfico" - a ball for Sol Naciente

The idea
In October 2002, the idea to help the poorest in Argentina was born spontaneously. Andrés: "The tango, which has given us so much, comes from Argentina. Now it's time to give something back."
Hence the idea to organise a week-end of workshops and a ball.
Talking with Argentine dancers and maestros, we met with a lot of enthusiasm. Several couples agreed to participate on the spot. With others and with orchestras, their availability is being checked.

Organisation on the spot
In January 2003, Andrea & Andrés visited Lidia Hernández, the founder of the non-profit-making organisation Sol Naciente in Buenos Aires, and her colleagues, and inspected the facilities:
In a soup kitchen, more than 400 children and approx. 25 elderly are served daily meals.
Their own bakery generates 20 jobs. A part of the products is given to the poor in the neighbourhood free of charge; the sales of the other part helps to finance the organisation.
Their are miscellaenous activities for children and youths, p. e. sports and handicraft groups, carnival processions, PC and English classes.
Bodily handicapped people get orthopaedic appliances; there is a wheelchair basketball team.
Groups of juvenile helpers clean the environment of rubbish, kill vermin and paint public walls.
A home for homeless mothers will be opened shortly.
The approx. 50 members of Sol Naciente consist mainly of volunteer helpers, supported by a number of unemployeds.
Poverty is everywhere. The soup kitchen's roof is leaky; the food is short of nutrients; one can't afford necessary medicines (incredibly expensive for Argentinians) ...

The project
In August 2003, Encantado del Tango will organise a workshop week-end with well-known Argentine maestros. 100 % of the revenues will be transferred to Sol Naciente.
On Saturday from 08:00 p.m., there will be a ball with shows for everyone interested in tango. The revenues from this ball - including sales of drinks etc. - will be transferred in full to Sol Naciente.

First reactions
Even now, several instituions show a great interest in the project. Misereor, for example, is contemplating using part of its Argentina budget for Sol Naciente. Many private people, also, will give regular donations to Sol Naciente.

With the support of many, Sol Naciente can affect a lot. Therefore, we want to encourage other studios to organise similar charity events for Sol Naciente. Of course, we are quite ready to assist anyone interested.
Currently we are opening a special account for donations; all the money on this account will be transferred, with the assistance of Misereor, to Sol Naciente. Receipts are issued on request.

For more information, please contact us directly:
Encantado del Tango
Andrea & Andrés
Muehlstrasse 18
64319 Pfungstadt
Phone +49 6157 988-700 y +49 6151 308-348
Fax +49 6157 988-702
E-mail: encantado-del-tango@web.de
Internet: www.encantado-del-tango.de

Andrea & Andrés